The Respect Relationships Reconciliation (3Rs) study resources are designed to support teacher educators incorporate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander content in initial teacher education (ITE) courses.
The 3Rs materials comprise three separate but inter-connected study modules:
Module 1: Know yourself (know your world)
Module 2: Know your students
Module 3: Know what you teach
The 3Rs resources address two Focus Areas contained in the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education (refer below).
The pedagogical and cultural considerations offered in this unit are designed for ITE staff to review, revise, refresh or strengthen their own units and professional capacity, and better align current existing units so that pre-service teachers can meet the graduate career stage for these focus areas.
Professional Standards Focus Area 1.4
Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
Professional Standards Focus Area 2.4
Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
Graduate Standard – Focus Area 1.4
- Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding of the impact of culture, cultural identity and linguistic background on the education of students from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds.
Graduate standard – Focus Area 2.4
- Demonstrate broad knowledge of, understanding of and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages.
The 3Rs project is sponsored by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Limited (AITSL) with funding provided by the Australian Government.