Consortium partners – 2013-16
University of South Australia
The Initiative is led by Project Director Professor Peter Buckskin, Dean of Indigenous Scholarship, Engagement and Research at the University of South Australia.
The 3Rs Project Team is located at the University of South Australia.
The UniSA team will be working with Australian Council of Deans of Education and member universities to further develop the online resource during 2016.
3Rs Project Director
Professor Peter Buckskin
Dean: Indigenous Scholarship, Engagement and Research
University of South Australia
70 North Terrace Adelaide SA 5000
Telephone: +61 8 83020036
Australian Council of Deans of Education
The Australian Council of Deans of Education (ACDE) is peak association of the Deans of faculties and Heads of Schools of Education in universities and other higher education institutions in Australia. ACDE has established ways of working that facilitate institutional change, national collaboration and increase capacity to lift national effort in key agendas.
ACDE is represented by Professor Tania Aspland, Dean, Education, Australian Catholic University.
Australian Indigenous Lecturers in Initial Teacher Education Association
The Australian Indigenous Lecturers in Initial Teacher Education Association (AILITEA) is a newly formed association of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander academic staff in university schools and faculties of education.
Project Sponsor
The 2013 and 2016 phases of the 3Rs project were sponsored by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Limited (AITSL) with funding provided by the Australian Government.