Glossary of terms related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, cultures and studies of education.
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
- Accreditation
- Australian Curriculum
- Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
- Career stage
- Colonisation
- Course accreditation
- Cultural competence
- Culture
- Diversity
- Dreaming
- Equity
- Ethnicity
- Focus Area
- Graduate teacher
- Hegemony
- Highly Accomplished Teacher
- Identity
- Indigenous
- Indigenous Education Consultative Body (IECB)
- Initial Teacher Education (ITE)
- Lead Teacher
- Literacy
- Media representation
- Numeracy
- Othering
- Pre-Service Teacher
- Proficient Teacher
- Race
- Racism
- Reconciliation
- Relationships
- Respect
- Stereotyping
- Teacher educators
- terra nullius
- Torres Strait Islander
- White Australia Policy
- Whiteness