
The 3Rs provides pedagogical and cultural resources to support Faculties and Schools of Education to review and refresh existing units of study to help graduates become better Indigenous educators.


Teachers have an opportunity through their practice both to break down the barriers contributing to the socio-economic disadvantage experienced by many Indigenous Australians, and to increase understandings of all Australians about Indigenous histories and cultures.

Cultural protocols

An informed and developed understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the promotion of Reconciliation can be demonstrated through embracing correct protocols and conventions.

Using 3Rs

The 3Rs suite of unit modules and resources is intended to be used by teacher educators in a range of ways such as complementing existing units, re-aligning courses or self-study for students.

Focus Areas 1.4 and 2.4

3Rs topics and resources are aligned with the Graduate career stage of Focus Areas 1.4 and 2.4 of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

Underpinning research

The RRR project has been guided and underpinned by research into teacher education and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education.