3Rs provides pedagogical and cultural resources to support faculties and schools of Education to review, revise, refresh and strengthen existing units of study to help graduates become better Indigenous educators.
The 3Rs unit of study (course) outline is available for incorporation or adaptation in university teacher education courses.
The 3Rs suite of unit modules and resources is intended to be used by teacher educators in flexible ways.
The modules and resources contained within this unit can be used to provide teaching and assessment ideas to assist the development of learning experiences for initial teacher education students.
The three modules are constructed around supporting the graduate career stage of Focus Areas 1.4 and 2.4 of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers:
- Focus Area 1.4 – Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
- Focus Area 2.4 – Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
The materials provided on this website comprise three separate but connected modules:
- Know yourself: Know your world – an underpinning module to explore cultures and values
- Know your students – teaching Indigenous students (Focus Area 1.4)
- Know what you teach – teaching about Indigenous cultures and reconciliation for all students (Focus Area 2.4)