A mind map of inclusion
Activity: Reflect on statements about inclusion, and prepare a mind map.
Activity sample description
Activity: Reflect on statements about inclusion, and prepare a mind map.
Activity: Explore the factors that lead to a supportive and inclusive classroom.
Activity: As a class discuss the benefits of a language program such as the Wiradjuri Language Program at Forbes North School.
Activity: In groups choose a strategy that has been evaluated for its effectiveness in reducing prejudice and racism.
Activity: Explore the Community of Inquiry approach to learning.
Activity: Design a unit of study around the anniversary of significant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander events.
Activity: Imagine that you have graduated from your course and you are working in your chosen field.
Activity: Apply deep knowledge to the teaching of Australian History
Activity: Self-reflections on culture and cultural norms.
Activity: Strategies for building stronger relationship with students and peers.
Activity: Tutorial discussion on difference and diversity using digital and print materials.
Activity: The Scootle repository of digital learning content at www.scootle.edu.au contains over 1500 resources on Indigenous Australia.
Activity: A comparison of people and vegetables.
Activity: Consider how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia might achieve their cultural rights or economic justice.
Activity: How might each of the eight aspects of the 8 Ways pedagogical model relate to your local Aboriginal community?
Assessment: Devise a plan to show how to utilise digital resources in starting and concluding a lesson on your classroom placement.
Activity: Consider what we mean by equity and how it relates to equality, as the two ideas are tied to inclusion.
Activity: Consider the disparity between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians in education and life outcomes.
Activity: Use a range of criteria to evaluate texts used in classrooms.
Activity: Explore a range of Australian and international resources and media on race and racism.